How long have you been reading this blog? How many breaths have you taken? How long have I been reading this blog? How many breaths have I taken since I sat down to peruse and surf around the blogosphere?
I recently read an interview with Sam Storms regarding his new book, Signs of the Spirit. As its subtitle reveals, this work is "an interpretation of Jonathan Edwards' Religious Affections." Though he recognizes the enduring nature of Edwards' original, Storms is burdened to 'translate' Edwards for a new generation. Storms confesses that Edwards' thought has greatly impacted him. But he also reveals that Edwards' life has had a similar effect:
I don’t know if Edwards would cope well in today’s world. I certainly think most of us wouldn’t have coped well in his world. In any case, he is a standing rebuke to our wasting of time, our trivial pursuits, our failure to redeem each day for God’s glory, our lack of care in what we eat and drink, and our tendency to squander the gifts and resources God has given us for the expansion of his kingdom. Edwards was obsessed with exploiting every breath he breathed for the sake of Christ and his church.This sentence stopped me in my tracks and has had a profound effect on me. What it must be like to have this "obsession!" What would that look like?
It might look like reading fewer blogs.
It might look like watching less of Jack Bauer and Jack Shepherd.
It might look like encouraging emails rather than critical blog-comments.
It might look like asking the cashier where she will spend eternity, as well as change for a five.
It might look like hours on my knees rather than hours on-line.
It might look like missing a few pop-culture references due to discretionary viewing.
It might look like washing the dishes for my tired wife.
It might look like praying for my pastors rather than critiquing their sermons.
It might be hard, uncomfortable, inconvenient, and self-sacrificing,
but it also just might be the "good life."
I'm not there, but 'there' is my goal.
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Jonathan Edwards
August 1, 2007