Tips for having a healthy, marital game of "20 Questions."
1. The "lead step in a Waltz" is not an "easy to medium"-level-of-difficulty object.
2. If you have chosen abovementioned object and yourhusband spouse asks you if it is an abstract idea rather than a concrete one, the answer is "Yes," rather than "it is definitely concrete."
3. The half-used stick of lip gloss with a scratch mark on it at the bottom of your purse is not a "reasonable" object.
4. If yourhusband spouse guesses "lip gloss" when trying to determine the abovementioned object, the correct response is, "good job," not "nope, try again."
1. The "lead step in a Waltz" is not an "easy to medium"-level-of-difficulty object.
2. If you have chosen abovementioned object and your
3. The half-used stick of lip gloss with a scratch mark on it at the bottom of your purse is not a "reasonable" object.
4. If your
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December 31, 2007