A Few Baseball Oddities

Though my sweet wife cannot understand how you could watch such a boring sport, I enjoy watching and playing baseball. I'm also a fan of Baseball trivia. Recently, a few oddities have surfaced that I have found interesting:

Scott Baker struck out four batters in one three-out inning. Overachiever.

The Dodgers beat the Angels without getting a hit. Not exactly the no-hitter you always dreamed about throwing in little league.

A little closer to home, you know you're having a mediocre season when one of your relievers goes rogue and choke-slams your team's General Manager Ed Wade to the floor. This either makes Wade legendary, or pitiful.

I also saw that Tyson Gay qualified for the Olympics 100 meter dash faster than anyone ever has, with a time of 9.68 seconds. However, his time will "not be entered in the books as a world record because it came with the help of a too-strong tailwind."

Because, we all know that anyone can clip the 100m in 9.68 seconds with a healthy breeze . . .
June 30, 2008


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