What we think of Christ is Everything!

Earlier today, my Mom pointed me to an excerpt she had read from the conclusion of a study on Colossians.

What we think of Christ is everything!

If you believe that Christ is eternal, without beginning and without end, that he always was continuing; if you believe that he is Creator of everything, every cosmic speck across trillions of years of trackless space, the Creator of textures and shapes and colors which dazzle our eyes; if you believe that he is the sustainer of all creation, the force which is presently holding the universe together, and that without him all would dissolve; if you believe that he is the goal of everything, that all creation is moving toward him; if you believe this, nothing much can go wrong with you.

We cannot think too highly of Christ.

Kent Hughes, Colossians and Philemon: the Supremacy of Christ, p. 156.

A high view of Christ has a way of comforting the soul in times of hardship, and freeing the soul from the tyranny of the trivial in times of comfort.
June 5, 2008


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