Daniel Treier has released his much anticipated (at least by me) book on the movement which seeks to return to a "theological interpretation of Scripture." One of the vexing aspects of engaging in this conversation is the fact that many people from many different backgrounds and disciplines are claiming "theological interpretation of Scripture." But when you investigate their method, approach, and product, they are coming down all over the interpretive grid.
Treier is trying to help scholars, students, and pastors orient themselves in the discussion by providing an introduction to this burgeoning movement.
Accordingly, Treier describes his aim in writing,
The purpose of the book that you hold in your hands is to tell the story and map the major themes of this movement (part 1), as well as to address some tough questions to clarify its future direction (part 2). Part 1 therefore tends to focus on what advocates of theological interpretation hold in common, while part 2 faces some of the movement’s internal arguments.The table of contents reveals where he sees unity and diversity within the movement:
Part 1 Catalysts and Common Themes
1. Recovering the Past: Imitating Precritical
2. Reading within the Rule(s): Interacting with Christian
3. Reading with Others: Listening to the Community of the
Part 2 Continuing Challenges
4. “Plundering the Egyptians” or Walking Like Them?
Engaging Biblical Theology
5. Reading the Bible with Other Texts? Engaging General
6. From the “Western” Academy to the Global Church?
Engaging Social Locations
Conclusion: In the End, God
Having read this book, I can attest to its clarity and substance. If you are interested in what theological interpretation is all about, then this book is invaluable resource.
See also,
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Daniel Treier
July 2, 2008