"Soli Deo Gloria" (For His Glory Alone)
For His glory alone, for His glory alone
He decrees all He pleases
For He’s on His throne (Ps 115:3)
For His glory alone, for His glory alone,
He’ll give His glory to no other
For His glory is His own (Is 42:8)
All things to him, through him, for him (Rom 11:36; Col 1:15)
In Him we live and move bow down before him (Ps 95:6)
Perfection of beauty demands we adore Him (Ps 50:2; 96:6-8)
Besides the LORD there is no other who can ignore Him? (Is 45:21)
One day every knee will bow even who abhor him (Is 45:23-24)
Seven bowls of wrath upon the wicked He will pour them (Rev 16)
BUT, All those He’s given to Christ
He’ll restore them (John 6:39-40)
Spotless and blameless in life
They’ll stand before Him (Rev 7:9-17)
Majesty and adoration to the Lamb slain…
Before the foundations
Purchased the found nations (Rev 5:9-13; 13:8)
His glory’s bound in his creation
Renowned in revelation (Ps 19)
Crowned in the Incarnation
His perfect explanation (John 1:14, 18)
Displayed and arrayed in His expiation…(John 12:23-24)
Raised from the grave to His coronation (Ps 110:1, Eph 1:20)
The consummation of this glory…
To be conveyed in his exultation (Matt 24:30)
End of (His) story! (Rev 22:20!)
Surely the LORD will be exalted (Is 2:11)
His purpose can’t be halted (Job 42:2)
His thoughts cannot be faulted (Rom 11:34 )
For he knows it all, He’s over all (Ps 139:4, 103:19)
bestows it all, controls it all (John 3:27; Matt 10:29)
His foes will fall (Ps 2), He knows His called (Rom 8:29-30)
We owe Him all (Rom 12:1), but who really knows Him y’all?
His foes will fall, He knows His called
We owe Him all, but who really knows Him y’all?
Give Him what’s due Him (Ps 96:7), all glory to Him (1 Cor 10:31)
The LORD is gracious (Ex 33:4), His is the greatness (1 Chr 29:11)
He’s always faithful even when we’re faithless, (2 Tim 2:13)
In the image of His dear son He makes and shapes us (Rom 8:29)
Not to us O LORD, but to You ALONE (Ps 115:1),
May the fame of Your Name be known in every home (Rev 15:4)
Thine is the Kingdom, Power and Glory…(Matt 6:13)
And in joy before thee, we’ll be forever singin’ (Jude 24-25!)
© 2009 Quincy A. Jones