Take the time to Rhyme, during National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, as declared by the Academy of American Poets.

I've already participated this month by posting a selection from a fictitious forthcoming collection of poetry pretentiously tentatively entitled, "Poems I wrote while having a headache". Alternate titles include "Poems written while hopped up on pseudoephedrine" and "Poetry written under (sinus) pressure". There are presently two entries that have made their way into this future collection:

Further entries, TBD.

So, do something with poetry this month. But, You don't have to do what I do. I.e., spout out mediocre verse about your sinus woes. Rather, You can personalize your experience.

You can read it. Write it.
Quote it. Smite it.
Digest it. Beat it.
Text it. Tweet it.

You can Analyze, or Criticize.
Memorize, or hypnotize.
Just as long as you Verbalize.
Even if no one knows of it.
Just don't thumb your nose at it.

So, at least once this month
Take the time
To make it rhyme.
National Poetry Month
April 7, 2009


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