Theological Reasons Why You Should Care About the Church?

In an essay on ecclesiology, Dever gives a succinct overview of the thickly theological reasons why you as an individual believers should care about the church: 
The church should be regarded as important to Christians because of its importance to Christ. Christ founded the church (Matt 16:18), purchased it with his blood (Acts 20:28), and intimately identifies himself with it (Acts 9:2). The church is the body of Christ (Eph 1:23), the dwelling place of his Spirit (1 Cor 3:16-17), and the chief instrument for glorifying God in the world. Finally, the church is God's instrument for bringing both the gospel to the nations and a great host of redeemed humanity to himself (Rev 5:9).
–Mark Dever, "The Church," in Theology for the Church, 767.
January 29, 2025


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