The Holy Spirit's Divine Titles

In addition to the common glory that the Spirit possesses, Basil loves to showcase the theologically loaded titles that are given the the Spirit by the biblical authors. These are the same titles that fittingly designate the Father and the Son: 
He is called Spirit, as 'God is a Spirit' (Jn 4:24). He is called holy, as the Father is holy, and the Son is holy; He is called good (Ps 143:10) as the Father is good, and he who was begotten of the Good is good; He is called upright (Ps 51:10), as 'the Lord is upright' (Ps 92:15); He is called Paraclete (Jn 14:16), like the only begotten; Thus names are borne by the Spirit in common with the Father and the Son.
—Basil the Great, On the Holy Spirit, in Nicene Creed, 164.
Basil the Great
January 20, 2025


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