The Catholic Epistles and Canon Studies w/ Darian Lockett

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Darian Lockett about his recent book Letters for the Church: Reading James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John, and Jude as Canon (IVP, 2021). In our discussion, Darian discusses some of his approach to biblical studies and the significance of the canonical context for biblical interpretation. We also talk about some of the key theological and academic issues at stake in a canonical approach to the New Testament. 
Darian is Professor of New Testament at Biola University. 
Read his previous books on the Catholic Epistles:

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Clarifying Note: The views of special guests are their own & do not necessarily reflect my own or the organizations with which I am formally and informally affiliated.
Lingering on the Lectionary
March 6, 2022


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